Sunday, November 20, 2016

History:Byzantine Empire

In the Byzantine Empire there were several great rulers but the one we are focusing on today is Justinian the First.

Our story starts with a man named Justin. He spoke Latin in a world of Greek
and joined the Imperial army. He rose up the ranks and became captain of the palace guards and adopted a nephew who named himself Justinianus or Justinian in honor of his uncle and benefactor.

Justin was illiterate and gave a quality education to Justinian. Their lives changed forever when the present ruler Anastasius died. Although he had many relative who were ready to take the throne they all tried to bribe Justin because he was the only one to have troops in the capital, Constantinople, to support their candidate for king.

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Fusion Energy and its Implications-My First Post!

Fusion Energy is the reason why the sun seems to have an almost unlimited amount of energy.

The Sun., due to its weight compresses the hydrogen atoms in the Suns core to helium and then to carbon.This releases a huge amount of energy in the form of heat and light.The temperature in the Suns core can reach up to 23 million degrees Celsius.

Can we make a nuclear fusion reactor on Earth?

According to scientists., Yes!

We can make it of 2 types: inertial confinement and magnetic confinement reactors.

In magnetic confinement there are electromagnets which are cooled by liquid hydrogen and in the chamber plasma is circulated throughout the whole chamber and fuses to form several heavier particles. This also creates one of the largest temperature differences in the universe,as the electromagnets due to the liquid hydrogen

In Inertial confinement there are lasers which break fuel which immediately fuse.In both cases there is practically no waste and it can run virtually forever.The only problem is the cost which can go up to hundreds of billions of dollars!But is it worth it for limitless free energy forever?

In certain stars such as red dwarfs this fusion can go on for trillions of years.We don't know the reason why the fusion is so efficient in red dwarfs but we do know that every red dwarf in existence is practically a baby.Scientists are researching on how does the red dwarf have such efficient fusion to replicate in a fusion reactor.